Tuesday, May 17, 2016


These next couple of section will be a further in depth look at five Gods mentioned in the introduction. This will also be constantly updated. The first one will be Tyr.

Tyr-During the day in times of need
Humankind turns towards the sun.
Under the birch, the ice becomes water.
Joy in this sacred space.

The name Tyr (Tiwaz) means "Sky Father" or "Father of the Daytime Sky"and in some circles the name Tyr is associated with the name "God". The stories written about Tyr are few and far between, in the Nordic legends their are only two stories, in my awareness, in which Tyr plays any predominate role. The first one is the classic tale of the Fenris Wolf in which said God volunteers to sacrifice he's left hand for the sake of Asgard. The second is the story in which Tyr and Thor go on a beer run to Tyr's fathers house. These stories do not tell us a lot about the role of the god in Nordic or Germanic society so to understand Tyr one must look at the environment which he's name derives from. The Sky. Their are four phases of sky; night sky, dawn sky, midday sky, and sunset sky. If we add that with the five colors of the sky's transitions; black, indigo, light blue, white and orange. The cumulative number would be nine, the mystical number of the Scandinavian and Germanic peoples. Nine is important for in the mystical thoughts of the Norse, Yggr an other name for Odin, was said to ride a horse through these nine realms were different beings were said to reside. Nine is a number that brakes the ever turning wheels of eight, apoun breaking eight one attains completeness and becomes uninhibited in their path. If we take the first letter of each of these nine phases and apply the runes it would indicated the nine, for lake of a better term, "faces" of the Sky Father.
The first rune is Nyd, the second rune is Dagaz, the third rune is Mannaz meaning man. Sowilo is the fourth meaning sun or sun-wheel, berkanno is the fifth meaning birch tree and is some cases bear. Issa is the sixth rune meaning ice or stillness, lagaz the seventh meaning water or lake. The eighth rune is the wunjo rune meaning pleasure, joy or grape and the last rune is Othin meaning Odin. 
Below is a sun-wheel, with these runes on them it's used for chanting and to better understand Tyr. The reason we use the sun-wheel is because the sun appears to travel through the sky giving the above it's color. It is the bringer of knowledge of the Sky Father, the traveler who passes through the above. It's rays give us the knowledge of mind and insight to Tyr.

Berkanno which means birch or is used as short hand for bear is in the northern quadrant. Trees especially birch and apple were sacred to the Norse. The world tree whose branches stretched into the upper sky realm and who's roots dug deep into the lower realm. In some interpretation the berkanna rune is short hand for bear, the constellation of Ursa Major was and is sometimes called the great bear in it's tail resides the north star. The north star is used in navigation and rarely wavers. It is the guiding star, the truest star. Just as Tyr is the god of truth who would presided over matters of state with unbiased wisdom. The issa rune which means ice is the solid state of water, lagaz which falls from the sky in the form of rain. Rain and water is the life force of the planet, all living things who's roots enter the ground and all things that drink need rain. The wunjo rune meaning joy, happiness, or sometime wine; when the sun reaches it's zenith the sky appears white. The midday sun is at it's hottest casting it's life giving rays onto the planet, giving plants the essential element to grow. The Odin rune is a representation of Odin the God of magic and Shamanism. In all cultures that worshiped the sky was the holy man, the one who would communicate with the Sky Father. In that shaman was the ability to project he's mind and soul into the metaphysical realms. The god Odin, as mentioned above, would either ride the horse or send he's mind in the form of Hugen and Munnin into the these realms. The nyd rune, which means need or distress. In the sky there are seven layers, these seven layers of sky are there to protect the planet from the sun harmful rays and asteroids that pelt the planet. Without them the planet would die, in essence we need the sky. The dagaz rune means the daylight which comes from the sun, sowilo. The daylight is what gives the sky it's color, depending on were the sun is in the sky will determine the color of the sky. Mannaz is the last rune this rune means humankind or man. In this context it is the patriarchal nature of sky worship, and represents the dualism of pagan worship. The Sky Father countered and in union with the Earth Mother. To know Tyr is to know the sky for the sky is tangible and tangibility is closer to truth, the love of Tyr second only to war.

Runic Prayers Continued.

version 1. The world of mankind resides in the darkness of need in that darkness we long and pray for the light of the sun and the fullness of the moon. In that darkness we create lights of own understanding. In these lights we forget that a light exists in the heavens the light of the stars. Theses lights that show us the paths when the sun and the moon no longer shines.
version 2. Mankinds world resides in the darkness of nyd in that darkness we long for the sun and the fullness of the moon to show us our paths. But when the sun no longer shows and the moon no longer reveals it's brightness we create lights of our own understanding. In these lights we blot out the light of the stars who give us guidance in the darkness of need.

Thoraz-Hail to you Sky God Thoraz. Divine son of Odin, rider of tangrisnir divine protector. Son of Odin.

Thoraz: Hail to you, Thoraz, divine son of Odin. Rider of the chariot tangrisnir wielder of the power of Tyr. Protector of thous who wander under the sky.

Thoraz-Hail Thor Valiant in his glory.

Kunaz-Divine flame origins unknown bring warmth to my soul and protect the hearth.

Kenaz- Protector of the hearth divine flame barer of good fortune, protect the divine soul the hearth.

Kaon-Divine flame of good fortune, protect the divine soul the hearth,

Cen-Divine soul barer of good fortune bringer of the flame protect the hearth.

Kannaz- Divine soul barer of the flame bringer of good fortune protect the house.

Kannaz-Divine protector barer of the flame                                                                                             bringer of good fortune we pray in need to you.

Kennaz : The fire that strikes the field rejuvenates 
the fern allowing the seed to grow. 
The fire that strikes who's destruction is total
       cleans the forest on the ash let all things come forth with 
the coming of spring and rain. 

Isa- Halo of the moon, stillness of the night, keeper of the silver ray, light all the paths of night.

Isa- Halo of the moon, stillness of the night guide my feet with your light.

Sowillo/Sigil: Sun who's light is bent in ice and water I call to you to give forth your generous ray apoun the land in which I pray.

Ansur- The path of darkness is the same as the path to light. The wind that brings the warship, curves the arrow, the bullet, the spear to strike is the same which brings the wind to mast, the bird it's song the Gods their divinity and man it's life.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Runic Prayers

Here are the Runic Prayers: This will be updated periodically as they are all not yet written.

Dagaz-Light of the Sun, Lord of the Day riser of the chariot of dawn, with you the warmth of the eternal flows. With you the light of heaven is born, bestow upon this land all the good graces of the sun.

Tyr- God of the sky, Lord of the above embrace us as the sky embrace the land grant us strength as the sword grants victory to the warrior.

Lagaz- Calming waters, cleanser of the earth purity from the sky, life current bring peace to my mind.

 Eiwar- Mighty yew tree, arm of the hunter. poison to the taste bestow of strength to the fields man. Grant the hunter he's hunt and shade for rest from he's labors.

Eihow- Horse of war barer of warriors strider of the blood stained field. The beast of battle granter of victors a force unbridled terror of the enemy below grant me this victory over my foe great horse of the war throw.

 Uruz- Field protector wheel turner puller of the plow tuner of the earth, yoke barer. Energy within the power of it's mighty fours. Uruz mighty archo's grant the will and strength to preserver.

Fehar-Wealth of the land reaped by the labors of man continue to grow from seed and soil. Blessing apoun this earth bless the plow and the seed.

Algiz- Calm in manner furious in battle great beast of the woods. Elk of earth and sky granter of wisdom. I call on you now in my meditation.

Ingwaz-Lord of weather, bringer of peace, granter of prosperity my thanks unto you.

Igwaz- I give my anger and prayer to you oh god Ingwaz who's peace is all encompassing like the shades of the willow groves. Who's prosperity he can rain as the waters from the sky. I ask or you great deity of the earth, child of the sea, to take this anger from me.
You oh fighting lord who has fought only once, clear this pain of conflict as the rain clears the sky. Grant peace on your will sword giver to your faithful devotee.

Ingwaz-Hail Ingwaz Lord of the Earth, Lord of Weather, Lord of Harvest, Lord of Fertility. I ask of you to grant fertility onto the land in which I will give back when generously received.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Runic Prayers: Introduction on Runes

The runes have been a subject of much interest to thous in the pagan and non pagan world, this interest is mostly centered around their function within pre-Christian Scandinavia. As far as we know the runes were used as a written language on land boundaries, grave sights, and memorials to various kings and their achievements. According to Neil Price lecture at Cornell University on the Viking Age, the runes written for grave markers were written in a particular form. This form followed as such; who was buried in the mound followed by who raised the stone. The alphabet of the runes is known as Elder Futhark. This alphabet is known as a phonetic alphabet, meaning each sound has a symbol and was taught by members of the family or the rune caver. As far as any scholar knows the runic alphabet was not taught in any institution but due to their frequency must have been known by a substantial portion of the population. The Elder Futhark runes were made up of twenty-four characters, the fist letter is the f sound and the last is the d sound. The construction of the cipher of the alphabet is unique and does not follow the alpha beta construction (a,b,c,d) like other alphabets from the Mediterranean crescent. This has made futhark a matter of much scholarly inquiry on the development of said language. It is my speculation that the construction of the runes came through trade with other cultures of Europe. The odd arrangement of the letters may have been in the order of importance to the Germanic and Scandinavian societies. Each letter in the runic alphabet has a name associated with them, this makes the runes easier to memorize and has led many to postulate on other uses. For example the first letter of the runic alphabet is called Fehur meaning wealth or cattle. The second letter is called Uruz meaning ox, bull or cow and the third is called Thoraz which means giant or the god Thor. The names of the characters are to help in memorization and as a form of short hand when conveying messages. According to myth the runes were said to possess an other worldly quality, that there power was so great that even a misspelling of a word could lead to catastrophic consequences. There is an old story in which a Swedish king relinquishes a curse on a peasant simply by scrapping the misspelled runes away. In the Lay of Sigrdrifa specific runes were mentioned to give specific powers, the naud rune for example was given to ensure that woman wouldn't beguile a mans trust. In the Sayings of the Old High One, Wotan was said to have hung on the World Ash to gain the true meaning of the runes. All these stories point to the magical use of the runes although these uses may be and to a certain extent historically founded. I propose a different usage of the runes and only of certain runes. This usage is prayer. It is a belief of mine that the runic characters themselves are in fact deities. Even in the most conventional of mystical interpretations there are certain runes that are symbols for the gods, such as the Othil rune or the Ing rune but these are not the only ones. Some runes are representative of nature or of natural phenomena such as Sigil which is a representation of the rays of sunlight or Kenaz which can mean many things but the most literal is the rejuvenating fire that clears the underbrush. In the next article I will show how these runes and others are used in prayer.