version 2. Mankinds world resides in the darkness of nyd in that darkness we long for the sun and the fullness of the moon to show us our paths. But when the sun no longer shows and the moon no longer reveals it's brightness we create lights of our own understanding. In these lights we blot out the light of the stars who give us guidance in the darkness of need.
Thoraz-Hail to you Sky God Thoraz. Divine son of Odin, rider of tangrisnir divine protector. Son of Odin.
Thoraz: Hail to you, Thoraz, divine son of Odin. Rider of the chariot tangrisnir wielder of the power of Tyr. Protector of thous who wander under the sky.
Thoraz-Hail Thor Valiant in his glory.
Kunaz-Divine flame origins unknown bring warmth to my soul and protect the hearth.
Kenaz- Protector of the hearth divine flame barer of good fortune, protect the divine soul the hearth.
Kaon-Divine flame of good fortune, protect the divine soul the hearth,
Cen-Divine soul barer of good fortune bringer of the flame protect the hearth.
Kannaz- Divine soul barer of the flame bringer of good fortune protect the house.
Kannaz-Divine protector barer of the flame bringer of good fortune we pray in need to you.
Isa- Halo of the moon, stillness of the night, keeper of the silver ray, light all the paths of night.
Isa- Halo of the moon, stillness of the night guide my feet with your light.
Sowillo/Sigil: Sun who's light is bent in ice and water I call to you to give forth your generous ray apoun the land in which I pray.
Ansur- The path of darkness is the same as the path to light. The wind that brings the warship, curves the arrow, the bullet, the spear to strike is the same which brings the wind to mast, the bird it's song the Gods their divinity and man it's life.
Kennaz : The fire that strikes the field rejuvenates
the fern allowing the seed to grow.
The fire that strikes who's destruction is total
cleans the forest on the ash let all things come forth with
the coming of spring and rain.
Isa- Halo of the moon, stillness of the night, keeper of the silver ray, light all the paths of night.
Isa- Halo of the moon, stillness of the night guide my feet with your light.
Sowillo/Sigil: Sun who's light is bent in ice and water I call to you to give forth your generous ray apoun the land in which I pray.
Ansur- The path of darkness is the same as the path to light. The wind that brings the warship, curves the arrow, the bullet, the spear to strike is the same which brings the wind to mast, the bird it's song the Gods their divinity and man it's life.
Wow thank you, I love runes, I may incorporate some of these prayers in my next ritual or cast!
Freya Rose