To perform an act of death is to be like the priest who performs the last rights of the dead. When the solider fells another he is taking the breath of another releasing the soul of the dead into the afterlife. The act of pulling the trigger is the act of prayer the bullet entering the body is the key to the gate of the other world. When the body hits the earth it is the end of the ritual. When the war ends so does the sacrament. Our ancestors performed war and during war they made it sacred through the ritual casting of the spear over the battle field this was to bring in the gods of war to invite them into the room and allow them to choice which one they wanted for their eternal war on the plains of Valhalla.
-Honoring-Like all acts of conflict their are costs and the cost of killing is one of spiritual trauma this trauma is not only caused by the shock of killing but also by the disposal of the dead. In the times of the vikings the taking of a warriors life was bound to the honor of dealing with the one who had died usual rites were performed in order to insure that the dead would not comeback ether by the process of reincarnation or by the harassment of the warriors spirit. One method was to carry the dead with their feet first through and opening an other was to destroy the sword of the warrior and the third was to take the name of the child of the victor after the warrior. The third method although noble has a darker twist, to name the child after the fallen is to take the luck of the dead and bestow it on the offspring. These acts were not only the psychological laying to rest of trauma but also the spiritual laying to rest of the soul. The honoring of the dead is mandatory regardless of how one feels about the one they have slain and the easiest method of doing this is to return the possessions of the fallen to the family or closet friend if the fallen has none of his or her bloodline left. If one does not do the simplest of these tasks they themselves have become dishonored if one cannot find the bloodline of the fallen the next task would be to honor the fallen in words.
-Desecration- Desecration is the act of dishonor. To desecrate the remains of a warrior is to dishonor the warrior in the age of our ancestors to desecrate was to inhibit the chance of the warriors entrance into Valhalla. If the warrior was considered to have lived a dishonorable life the society would usually let the gods deal with the warrior but what our ancestors did not realize was the act of war is to take the duty of a god. For only a god can determine the fate and life span of a man and war is not necessarily a thread of fate. In war the army can leave the battle field before the first shot is fired a politician can make the call to a truce and the public can voice their opinion and change the minds of many that war becomes a burden that most be ended. When one fights in battle or goes to war the act of death passes from the transcendental realm of nature and all the aspects that move with it diese, accidents and random death. To the controlled realm of one on the battle field the decision to not fire the gun when the enemy in obvious range for example is an act of freewill. In this realm of freewill the duty of death which is determined by nature and the gods is now in the hands of the fighter. Due to this passing of the soul form the earthly realm into the afterlife has passed from the hands of the gods into the hands of the warrior. When it comes to desecration of the the warrior that also falls into the hands of the fighter. Desecration should only be done when the one who has fallen in battle has be one of bad character in action. The dishonoring of the warriors wife in front of other, the dishonoring of a woman who is not theirs, the dishonoring of a sacred space that was not used in combat, the dishonoring of ones family in action before combat. The dishonoring of combatants who have been captured. These are all reasons for the dishonoring of the remains of the warrior. The easiest way to do so is to read what is sin to them and perform it as a rite apoun them.
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