Monday, March 26, 2018

Statue, Representations, and Animism

As stated before the gods are living beings that reside in two worlds. One that we live in and the one their are from. The gods and goddesses in their power are omnipresent and can in habit objects as well as being unseen like air is unseen and yet we feel it's presents. Or how sound is heard but not seen unless one looks at the string as it vibrates. With this said their is an other dimension one of an animist nature. Every tree plant living animal and sometimes stones possesses a spirit or are the vessels of a god. When one is representing a god never use bone or wood. Bone holds a powerful connection to the spirit of the animal that it came from. Usually the animal leaves the body but if the animal feels that it's death was uncalled for then it returns to the thing that's left of it usually the bone. If one is to carve a statue of a god or goddess out of stone find someone who can determine if their is a spirit in the rock. To be safe use metals to craft the image of the gods or goddesses if one is to use wood make sure the spirit of the wood is out of the wood it self similar practices can theoretically be done with rocks. The reason for these precautions is because the spirit can possess the object and act through the object itself. Stories of ancient Greece and Rome have stories of said incidences of statues speaking to the populace. These incidences were passed off as the Gods and Goddesses communicating through the statues, which their perfectly capable of doing but in reality and most likely it was the spirit of the rocks. Metal is good to use with the exception of raw iron and copper ore due to the fact that fire is a cleanser and during the forging processes will either burn away a spirit or release it. Iron and copper are exceptions for even when turned to steel with iron their is still a connection to a spirit if their was one in the mine that the ore came from or the rock itself had one. When making the statues the look of them is up to you, keep in mind the representation of the god or goddess is to portray the being as what they are or the power that they have. For example the state or Thor on my alter portrays Thor holding high he's hammer as he bestrides a lighting filled sky. This is to show that Thor has power of the element of lighting. Statues are not only devices of communication and have the potential to become the embodiment off the god but also have the ability to convey a message about the gods ability. Sometimes a god is portrayed or invoked as a symbol or as some object that the god or goddess is associated with like Saxon represented with a stone sword.
The gods and goddesses in their glory and power have the ability to work through objects that we cannot.
Animism is the believe that all things in nature are living and that the thing that gives that animal, plant or tree a life force goes well beyond the physical realities of the body. This spirit is an individual as much as it is a collective. The earth has the ability to communicate through a stone which also houses a living spirit. The bones of animals are connected to the animals spirit which may or may not have moved on has the abilities of a spirit which resides on the level of non human control. Things like the animal being able to bring more of it's kind or that the animal had a physical ability that exceeded that of a human are reasons why people use animals in their worship or in their craft. The human has a personal totem which can embody it self as many things for some it may have the form of a man for other an old god and for someone else an animal. These animal gods should be treated slightly differently than how one treats a god or a goddess. In this particular aspect of this religion it really depends on the person.

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