Thursday, February 15, 2024


The old law was a catastrophe here is the laws you should follow if you choice so.

These laws are to establish a code of conduct.

  1. If one is put into a conflict know that innocent life is the most precious put them above you.
  2. Help those who are in need of help.
  3. Do not feed you cattle the flesh of the same animal or any flesh for that matter.
  4. You are allowed to marry anyone of a different faith.
  5. You are allowed to divorce for any reason.
  6. No slaves
  7. Homosexuals are accepted members of society and are allowed to be given rights in terms of marriage, magical practices, and religion.
  8. Magic can be done but you must have a reason.
  9. One may only marry one.
  10. Adoption is permitted.
  11. Do not rape.
  12. Do not murder.
  13. Do not steal.
  14. The way of elhaz is a way of choice not bloodline. What this means is the religion does not play favorites their is no true person. It also means that the religion is not passed from any paternal line.
  15. No spousal abuse.
  16. No child abuse.
  17. Be kind to animals.
  18. If the spouse of another dies they may remarry.
  19. No incest of any kind.
  20. No high priests all people are their own priests.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024



The god Odin is best understood through two methods in this observation we will choice one. The runes and applying the runes to the name of Odin and what he has. We will look at the name Woden and his five companions Slepnir, Geri, Freki, Huginn and Muninn. Odin is a god of war, magic and wisdom. Magic is not only the energy used to cause some sort of change to reality but it is also knowledge. With this in mind Odin is the god of knowledge and Huginn and Muninn are aspects of knowledge and warfare more so warfare.

Huginn- Huginn consists of five runes. Hagal, Uruz, Gera, Isa, and Nydr. Hagal means destruction or disruption. Uruz means courage or strength. Gebo means gift. Isa means isolation or standstill and nydr means need. With this in mind Huginn is the aspect of warfare that pertains to destruction, courage and the need that follows the destruction of warfare. The isolation of meditative practice is also there but so is gift which means that a kind of wealth is attained through warfare.

Muninn- Muninn consists of four runes. Manaz, Uruz, Nydr and Isa. Muninn is much like Huginn is an aspect of warfare but instead of destruction Muninn is the culture of warfare due to the rune Manaz which means culture but this is also the extinction of culture through warfare due to the fact the uruz has the negative of extinction.

Geri- this aspect consist of Gebo, Ehwaz, Roda, and Isa. Gebo means gift, Ehow means loyalty or war horse, Roda means journey or riding, and Isa is standstill. 

Slepnir: The eight legged horse that takes the all father through the nine worlds but what is he really an animal or a spirit that is sent to the believer to take him or her on a journey. Slepnir starts with sigil the sun rune what does this actually mean in this context. Sigil could mean that the spirit of the horse is of the sun a solar deity that moves through the realm of the sky. Laguz is the next rune meaning a wealth of connection slepnir is the connecting factor between Odin and his travel to through the nine world. Ehwaz means horse and in this case the war horse Slepnir is personified as a horse. Nydr need like Huggin and Munnin warfare brings need to a society through their destruction. Isa standstill when one is in a meditative state it leads us to a higher realm of thinking. Roda to travel the horse of Odin leads to travel.

Woden: Ah yes Woden the all father whose name means possessed or frenzied the one who travels through the nine realms of the world tree. This name when in runes goes something like this wunjo odin dagaz ehwaz and nydr. Wunjo means joy or happiness therefore in this realm of thinking Woden brings delight into the world. That's right the all father brings joy to the follower. Othala mean inheritance or homeland in the esoteric meaning heaven on earth. This means that the deity of the wild hunt is bringer of heavenly delight to the world. Dagaz means daylight and in the mind of the mystic it means wisdom Woden is the father of wisdom and has some solar connections. Ehwaz which means horse or trust Odin is a god that requires the trust of the believer in order for them to establish a relationship. Nydr need or friction this means that Odin's honesty could lead to friction.

Odin does not have avatars period end of story. This is religion remember.